Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)
There are currently two different versions of IP addresses
in use – IPv4 and IPv6, and they look quite different from one another. They
are actually just long string of number, like 1736459382, but to make them
easier to read, we write them in a special way. IPv4 addresses are written in
the string of four numbers separated by dots [.] called Octet, where in each
Octet we are allowed to write numbers between 0 and 255. A typical IPv4 address
looks like this:
Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
IPv6 addresses are considerably longer strings of numbers,
so they are written in hexadecimal numbers that can be used to fit more
information in fewer digits. There are 8 segments instead of 4 and colons are
used to separate these segments in IPv6 instead of dots; for example
2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0053. You can ignore those segments
containing zeros only by using two colons side by side. The sort version is
written like 2001:0db8::53.
What Happened to IPv5?
This question might be in every ones mind, Well, according to the ICANN's publicly available documents IPv5 was an experimental protocol and was never used practically,
but some of the concepts it developed have been incorporated in other
Why do we need IP address?
There might also be a question that why every device needs
an IP address?
When connected to a network, your device needs to be
identified and IP addresses are the numbers that identify devices connected to
a network. If you need to access a local network only, then your device can be
identified with an address that has only a local context. Which are called
private IP addresses. But when you need to access services on other networks,
then your devices needs to use a unique address. Which is known as Public IP
address, while in some cases, this is done by translating a private address
into a unique address (Public IP address) at the border between your network
and your ISP’s network. This technology is known as Network Address
Translation, or NAT, which we will discuss it in detail in our upcoming posts.
How are IP addresses distributed?

Regional Internet Registries (RIRs)
AFRINIC | Serving Africa | Founded in 2005 |
APNIC | Serving the Asia Pacific region | Founded in 1993 |
ARIN | Serving North America | Founded in 1997 |
LACNIC | Serving South America and the Caribbean | Founded in 2001 |
RIPE NCC | Serving Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East | Founded in 1992 |
Nice article.